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The Rooted Plant Shop

Money Tree (Pachira Glabra-Pet Friendly)

Money Tree (Pachira Glabra-Pet Friendly)

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 USD
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Pachira or Money Tree



is a good choice for anyone wanting to explore indoor trees for their homes. It is virtually kill-proof, can be maintained however you like it, and has a strong immunity against common houseplant mistakes like overwatering and neglect.

Place your Money Tree in medium to bright, indirect light. Rotate it weekly for even and balanced growth on all sides. This plant also does well under fluorescent lights. 

Money trees prefer thorough but infrequent watering. Deep soaking at least once a week will usually be enough to keep the plant happy. Leaf drop could indicate under watering. Ensure that the soil of your Money Tree is evenly moist. To boost humidity, mist the plant daily or place its pot on a tray of wet pebbles.

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